“Here is my beacon, honest in its design, obvious in its intent, hoping for nothing more than to know that others know of such rare treats, of which few are privileged to taste, and the majority are unaware. This is why I am, why I still am, and what will always be my only purpose and intent.” – Antonin Artaud

I’m constantly struggling with my desire to help out the planet in some way, or simply wanting to enjoy this life that I have worked so hard for. I feel I know true joy and want others to know that same joy, but can never quite figure out how to do it without losing myself to it completely. Whenever I travel, I ache to either bring word of such amazing and beautiful places and people and plants to everyone’s consciousness, while simultaneously finding a way to expose the injustices that abound the world over, but nothing ever seems to be enough no matter how many projects or businesses I start or how passionate I am about making a difference.

I have often been told that the best I can do is shine as brightly as I can, but somehow, although I am eternally and deeply grateful for the love I have in my life and all around me, it sometimes offers little consolation, and I am left to dream of the day I find a way to help out more than I am.  But, in the meantime, I travel and explore this planet with my love, while writing and capturing images as best I can, and reveling in the beauty that abounds in dizzying array in so many nooks and crannies on this globe. Seeing places like India or Peru or the Amazon Rainforest and its people has changed my perspective on life forever; it makes me realize how fortunate we all are, and how easy we’ve really got it in these United States of America.

Keith Cleversley